We all like to look good – it’s an evolutionary drive, created to support our need to reproduce. On top of that, it can help our self-confidence, which could then improve many other areas of our lives – careers, social lives, even our experiences at social events. Yet nobody sees all the details, all the little flaws in our looks, as much as we do ourselves. We see our reflections every day, usually many times a day, and notice each and every change. We compare ourselves to the rich & famous people we see in magazines and on TV, each time feeling a little less beautiful and a little less special.
For most of us, we just need to realize that there is no such thing as perfect. We’re all individual, and what you dislike about yourself, another person may find attractive or endearing. There are certain areas where we’re better off making an improvement though. Any facial damage, for example, would benefit from being corrected. Likewise for skin issues or blemishes – these are areas where cosmetic treatments can make a difference. One of the common areas targeted for this is the nose, so let’s take a look at some common questions surrounding rhinoplasty.
- Is Rhinoplasty the Only Way to Change Your Nose?
There are actually different types of nosejobs. For example, you can choose to have a non-surgical nosejob which is less invasive and less of an investment. Some types of non-surgical work include the injections of fillers and other adjustments, though these tend to be temporary (lasting 6-18 months). They are less invasive though and can be a good starting point for plastic surgery, to see how you actually feel about it. If you then decide to go for plastic surgery for other procedures, you can look for plastic surgeons in Denver, New York, Texas, etc. to find professionals that can help you with what you need.
- What Does a Rhinoplasty Do?
In a rhinoplasty you will be sedated, after which a doctor will begin to surgically alter your nose. Cartilage and bone may be removed, reshaped, or even added to create a new design/shape. Fillers and fat are also used to create a specific shape, after which your nose will be rebuilt and allowed to heal. To perform all of these treatments, you must go to an experienced doctor. If you’re not sure where to look for the top doctors, you could start by searching for “Rajan Uppal” on the internet.
- How Long Will Recovery Take?
Physical recovery doesn’t take long at all. You should be home within a day or two although you’ll need around a week before returning to work. Some people prefer 2 weeks off, giving the swelling more time to recover so their noses look better when they do restart work. Keep in mind some slight swelling can remain for months afterwards, especially in soft tissue areas like the tip.
- Will Breathing be Affected?
Your breathing could actually improve from a rhinoplasty. Done properly, it can give you more open airways and fix any damage caused throughout your life. A rhinoplasty might not always improve breathing, but it should never make it worse either. Any surgery which messes up your breathing is a problem, so fill out a complaint immediately.
- What Anaesthesia is Used?
Although some places might offer procedures under other anaesthetics, the industry standard is to use general anaesthetic. This ensures the patient doesn’t suffer any trauma and doesn’t feel any pain during the procedure. You’ll simply drift away with the anaesthetic and wake up post-surgery.