Making the transition from high school straight into college or university is undoubtedly a huge step. For one, what you previously thought was a huge workload is now more like something you’re expected to get through in way less than just one semester, while there are some new social and physical demands on your body and mind you may not have previously been subjected to. It can get a bit overwhelming and things tend to move along very quickly.
As hectic as student life may get however, it’s important to strike a healthy balance between your main business of the day — your academics and your health. After all, you need your health in order to do well in all other areas of your life, including your studies, so it really is important to dedicate a good portion of your focus on maintaining good health.
Attend Your First-Year’s / Fresher’s Orientation Programme
If it’s going to be your first year studying at a tertiary education institution, it’s important to note that the academic year begins long before you officially attend your first class. A lot of preparation is needed to make a success out of your higher learning first year which goes beyond getting ready for the lecture room environment. That’s what the orientation programme is for, so make sure you attend. You will learn a lot of things which have a lot to do with student life in general, but with specific regards to your health issues, you will find out about a lot of support structures erected for students to help them maintain good health or get the requisite medical treatment should the need arise.
You’ll learn about what are otherwise basic things we tend to take for granted, like where the nearest hospital is, where the nearest clinic is, where to get free counselling maybe, which numbers to call in case of an emergency, etc.
Make Use of the Healthcare Facilities Afforded to You
It is quite uncommon to find a higher education institution today that does not provide a resident medical center for its students. These medical centers offer a wide range of health-related services, from counseling support to providing free sanitary pads. As a student, you can also benefit from regular dental exams alexandria (or the location where your institution is based) to ensure the maintenance of good oral health.
Moreover, taking advantage of the resident nurse or psychologist by simply dropping in for a chat can have profound effects on your well-being. In some cases, this simple step can even be life-saving. These professionals are available to provide support, guidance, and assistance with various health concerns and challenges faced by students.
You’ve perhaps heard it all too often before how prevention is better than cure and it’s true. So, take active steps to invest in your health so that you rather avoid illness or injuries as opposed to having to reactively try and have them cured. Put those savings you get from using your student bus pass together with the students’ discounts you’ll likely qualify for at your local gym and make use of that gym membership to keep yourself fit and healthy so that you’re perhaps less susceptible to falling ill.
It’s all about being proactive and knowing exactly where to go and what to do should your health come under fire.